How To Grow Vegetables

How To Grow Parsnips

If you are looking for a vegetable that you can grow even if you live in a colder weather climate, consider growing parsnips. Parsnips plants are sturdy enough to survive cold weather. In fact, parsnips thrive in colder weather climates and will actually grow in the ground during the winter season.

You can plant parsnips in the spring and will want to wait until after they are exposed to a couple frosts before harvesting. It can take five months or more for the Parsnips to be ready to harvest. Some people leave parsnips in the ground for nearly a year before harvesting.

Parsnips will have even more taste if they are in the ground for longer periods of time. You will need to harvest your parsnip crop in advance to the new tops starting to grow for the most ideal results. When it is time to plant your parsnips you will need to dig the soil for planting of the seeds. You will dig between 18 and 24 inches deep in the soil depending on whether you are growing short or longer parsnip varieties.

The Parsnip seeds should be planted about ½ inch down into the soil. They do not need to be placed very deep. You should plant about three Parsnip seeds in every inch until they start to germinate. Keep in mind that it can take up to about three weeks for the parsnip seeds to germinate. After that time, you can thin out the seeds so that there are about three inches between each seed providing room for growth. The Parsnips plants need sufficient room to grow.

The parsnips need about an inch of water per week. During dryer seasons, you should pay careful attention the watering of your Parsnips since they are not as likely to stay wet enough from the rain. The parsnips do need sunlight but can be planted in areas where there is some shade. You will want to use mulch or straw to help lock in moisture for the soil.

You can use compost or organic fertilizer to help add nutrients for your parsnips. It usually works well to wait until about halfway through their growing season before adding this compost. When the parsnips have grown to the size you desire, you can harvest them. The Parsnips will have the best flavoring if you actually wait until they have been exposed to a few frosts.

A spade works best for harvesting your parsnips. Wash the Parsnips off and remove any leaf stalks. You are ready to store and enjoy your parsnips. If you have problems growing them then read up on Parsnip Pests And Diseases

If you like root vegetables then why not learn How To Grow Carrots as well.

By Richard Allen -

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