How To Grow Vegetables

Turnip Pests And Diseases

Turnips are a quick growing plant and because of this they do not suffer too much from pests and diseases but there are some that can require attention.

Club root is a major problem and causes wilting and yellowing of the leaves and lesions on the roots. The problem usually occurs in soils with a PH value below 7.0 so test the ground and keep the PH level up and will occur where the turnips have been repeatedly planted in the same area. Once in the ground the disease will stay for 7 years so avoid planting in the same area again. Crop rotation is essential on at least a 4 year cycle.

Root Maggots are small bugs that will eat through the tubers and ruin them. They become prevalent at certain times of the year. The problem can be either cured or alleviated by dowsing them in a suitable insecticide. This should be timed to coincide with the time the eggs are laid. Crop rotation helps remove the problem.

Aphids can get under the leaves but a good ladybird population will sort it, if not wash the leaves with soapy water.

Wireworm can sometimes be found and the cure is the same as the root beetle with a suitable insecticide. Crop rotation helps remove the problem.

Fungal problems can occur and these can be washed of with soapy water or a suitable fungicide.

Generally storage needs to be cool and dry to stop any rotting or wilting of the tubers but they can be left in the ground over the winter and used when required.

The soil should ideally be warm when planting to get the best results (60 degrees C) and neutral, not acidic and crop rotation is essential.

By Richard Allen -

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